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Perhaps Britney fans are worried about her mental condition. After this, the shocking news came out that her lawyer said she doesn’t have the mental capacity to even sign her legal documents.

Sam Ingham revealed that on the day of hearing on the 7th of October Britney was not even a condition to the signature to her legal documentation her mental state is just like nearly a coma patient.

Her attorney said that she is unable to sign anything so that the judges has decided to pushed the date of hearing.

The attorney said that spear don’t even want to perform again but her father Jamie wants her to perform her lawyer told tho the judges after discussing with spear yes she is not in a coma but she is not well this is also true I am the one who always listen to her and this time I also released that she is not in a condition she can’t even handle all this yet.

Britney doesn’t want to perform she told her lawyer she said that she doesn’t have any idea about her career she didn’t even plan anything but her father insisting her to continue recording and performing.

Last month, Britney told the court that he was objected by her father rehire the estate manager Andrew Wallet who is totally unsuited.

Wallet had worked for the family since 2008 in a co-conservator capacity. Britney said that she had difficult budget choices she can’t even handle all this she said I can’t afford your services at any cost.

After listening to all these things Jamie told the court that she is telling the truth she is portraying the wrong image to the court this is not the actual truth.

Everybody is looking forward for the next hearing.

Then after Britney took Instagram with a shot of herself in black lingerie she also added a video where she was writing and dancing “Addicted to love”.