What’s your Reaction?

Once again Celebrities open about the criticism they face from social media, Tabloids, Memers during their hard time.

Recently we see this kind of anger after Britney Spear’s documentary ‘Framing Britney Spears’. After this launch people start criticizing everyone who made fun of her hard times.

This time Reality TV star, Entrepreneur, Businesswoman Kim Kardashian opens up about her experience.

During her first pregnancy in 2013, She recalled, how tabloids, social media kick her mental health in a badass way.

Kim said, “I cried every day after seeing such stuff for my body, What are the social standards for a healthy pregnant lady”.

During 2013 everyone shammed Kim by comparing her with Shamu the Whale. As she put on weight during her first pregnancy.

 She was so insecure that she didn’t leave her house because she was insecure because of toxic media.

Now she slaps on everyone’s face with her IGTV video sharing her situations with fans.

During her pregnancy in 2013, she was suffering from Preeclampsia, which results in the accumulation of fat. 

[Preeclampsia – It is a condition characterized by high blood pressure and damage to mother organs during pregnancy.]

This condition force Kim to go for emergency labour to give birth to North, which was six months earlier.

Things didn’t end here, After the birth of North. She was diagnosed with Placenta Accreta (Her placenta remains attached after). To overcome this, she had to go for five surgeries in one and half years. During this, she was still working for brands, magazines, etc.

This health condition also causes stress, anxiety. This situation was boosted by douchebags by body-shaming her.

Tabloids were continuously poking Kim with headlines like ‘Kim can’t stop eating’, ‘Kim weights 200pounds’, ‘Paid to Get Fat’.

Even during MET GALA 2013, Kim joined Gala with her pregnant body but Memers got their content to make fun of her.

She said, ” I was broke by the internet reaction on me, Twitter was full of Kim jokes even before the final ceremony of Gala”. “I cried in my car by everyone’s reaction” She added.

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