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Everything you need to know from how to work with kettlebell to the types of full body kettlebell workout exercises to the advantages of these exercises in one place

Let’s talk about workout. Yeah I know not many of us like to work out or those heavy machines and defined equipment it’s tricky. But have you ever considered full body kettlebell workout, just one simple equipment and nothing to defined and that to at home.

A full body kettlebell workout regime is a good way to get your lazy self to get working out at home. After the corona pandemic we all are cramped up in our homes and can’t go to the gym. And since we don’t wanna flatten the curves we worked so hard to achieve.

Kettlebells are just a simple piece of equipment. Kettlebell workouts allow functional exercises which focus on multiple joints and a number of muscle groups.

A full body kettlebell workout is a good way to strengthen your core, improve your posture and balance.

How to get your way around the kettlebell:

Since high power routine can be very challenging for beginners, it is advised to first start with light weight kettlebells. The use of light weight kettlebells in a full body kettlebell workout regime would ensure that first you have mastered the movements. After you have a proper form and know your way around the regime it will lower the risk of getting any kind of injury.

After this is done, you will start working on power packet and explosive movements without losing your form and risking yourself to any injury.

A superset is a back to back exercise regime which helps you burn your fat in a much faster and efficient way. This superset works from head-to-toe.

Once you have a hang of the super set you can slowly increase the weight of the kettlebell.

Full body kettlebell workout exercises:

Let’s see the 6 exercises that is A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1, C2 which make up the full body kettlebell workout regime.

Kettlebell Front Squat:

full body kettlebell workout

This kettlebell exercise front squat targets your legs and gluts. This exercise focuses on strengthening your gluts maximum.

How to perform:

  • The starting position for this exercise is that of a basic squat.
  • Grab the kettlebell with both your hands.
  • You will start this exercise in a low squat position.
  • Engage your core and do squats as you would normally do, but while holding the kettlebell.
  • Complete the exercise by doing 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Kettlebell High Pull:

kettlebell high pull

This full body kettlebell workout exercise high pull focuses on your shoulders, back, legs and gluts. This exercise mainly focuses on strengthening your shoulders and back.

How to perform:

  • The starting position of this exercise is the squat position, while the kettlebell is placed in front of you.
  • Grab the kettlebell from the handle with an overhand grip with both the hands.
  • Now stand up straight. Pulling the weight up wards that is bringing the kettlebell under your chin with elbows lifted above the shoulders.
  • Repeat the exercise by going back to the squat position.
  • Complete the exercise by doing 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift:

full body kettlebell workout deadlift

This full body kettlebell workout exercise focuses on your hamstrings and gluts.

How to perform:

  • For the starting position for this exercise stand with feet shoulder width apart.
  • Again grab the kettlebell with an overhand grip with both your hands.
  • Bent down with knees slightly bent with hinge. Allow the kettlebell to run along your thigh and down your shine.
  • Now stand up straight using your hamstring and gluts while pushing through your knees.
  • Complete the exercise with 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Kettlebell Swing:

kettlebell swing

This full body kettlebell workout exercise focuses on hamstrings, gluts, abs, backs and shoulders.

How to perform:

  • Stand in the position of squat with feet a little shoulder width apart.
  • Hold the bell with both the hands while keeping them straight.
  • Bent your knees slightly, hinge forward at hips while keeping your back straight.
  • Swing the bell between your legs. Use the momentum from the swing to stand up straight.
  • Bring the kettlebell till your shoulder height and hold it there for a few seconds.
  • Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.
  • Complete the exercise with 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Kettlebell Clean and Press:

full body kettlebell workout clean and press

This full body kettlebell workout exercise targets your legs, gluts, back and shoulders.

How to perform:

  • Place the kettlebell in front.
  • Hold it with one hand and straighten the other out to the side to balance yourself.
  • Start with your low squat.
  • Engage your core and broaden across chest.
  • As you stand, pull the kettlebell up over your head with straight hand.
  • Repeat to the starting position.
  • Complete the exercise with 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Kettlebell Renegade Row:

kettlebell renegade row

This full body kettlebell workout focuses on your arms, abs, backs and gluts.

 How to perform:

  • Place two kettlebells shoulder width apart on the floor.
  • Start position of the exercise is that of a push up position, with both the hands griping on the kettlebell handle.
  • Lift one kettlebell while drawing your elbow behind you and return it back to the floor, do a pushup after that.
  • And repeat it with the other hand.
  • Complete the exercise with 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Advantages of full body kettlebell workout regime:

The full body kettlebell workout exercises works on all the major joints and muscle groups. Building up your core strength and improve your stability and balance. These workouts can help you get your core strengthened and stabilize it. These exercises are simple and help you improve your day to day posture and increase our stamina without going on heavy equipment.  Letting you have greater mobility and flexibility while toning your muscles and body to get those curves keep on going.

Also readKate Hudson Workouts

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